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This Christmas at St John's we've unfortunately not had use of our building at the start of December and this has hampered our usual early festive offerings. Our spirits have not been dampened however, as our new heating system will be in place ready for our Christmas services that you can read about below, we are really excited about welcoming you to St John's over the Christmas period.

Next Christmas we hope to return to the Christmas Market and Snowflake Switch On with The Children's Hospital Charity, although you'll still see the church lit up with snowflakes from the 1st December 2024.


15th December
Christingle Cafe Church


Come to our Intergenerational Cafe Church with breakfast coffee and pastries served, make your own Chrsitingle and wear your best Christmas jumper


22nd December
Carol Service

Join us for our traditional carol service,led by The Steel City Choristers and a small brass group, singing Carols by candlelight!

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24th December
Crib Service


Our Crib Service for 2024, is going to be a great service for all ages, including excited children!

Giving Holy Communion

24th December
Midnight Communion


This is a traditional communion service ideal for seeing in Christmas day with a focus on Jesus, the main reason for the season.

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25th December
Christmas Day Celebration


A fun and relaxed Christmas day celebration service for all ages, with something for all the family, includes present show off!!! 

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If you're visiting St John's this Christmas, for one of our services, you can be sure of a warm welcome. Please wear clothing that you are comfortable with, there is no dress code, be as smart or casual as you like. When you come through the doors you will be greeted by our welcome team and then please make your way to any seats, there is no reserved or out of bounds spaces. If you don't know the songs, don't worry, the words will be displayed on screens and you can join in, if and when you like.
We love to have children around and expect them to make some noise,  if you'd like to take them to a play area, there is a room at the back of church for 5 years and unders to play. We have refreshment areas and toilets in church, if you are unsure of anything please ask. We can't wait to see you soon!

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